
Mike Enns

Mike Anthony Enns born in Germany in 1993 as son of a Canadian father and German mother is member of the BPC “New Life” church since 2014. With the fortune of growing up within a Christian (Mennonite) family he gave his life to Jesus early on. Later in 2012 he moved to Bulgaria to become a medical student in the Medical University Varna.

Life Motto: “The world just needs more love”

Hobbies: reading, movies, cooking, music and all kinds of sports like soccer, Volleyball, ice hockey and so on.

My heroes: Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and my Grandma

Favorite movies: Invictus, Selma, Gran Torino My favorite books: Sherlock Holmes, Qua Vadis, Iphigenie auf Tauris

Favorite food: Mennonite and Bulgarian

Regular oder at cafes: ice cream

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